1. What is the Central Idea (thesis) for each speech?
The central idea of the speech "Medical Robots: From Science Fiction to Science Fact" is that robots are now being used in hospitals. Tug robots for example work as orderlies, others help doctors work with patients over a large distance, and they are also improving medical practices. The central idea of the speech "Hidden World of Chili Peppers" is that chili
peppers have an interesting history that can be traced far back in time, some peppers are quite spicy but can be handled if you learn a few things.
2. How do the speakers catch attention?
The author of "Medical Robots" uses a story to show how a medical robots are sometimes used. It starts without saying how the mechanical arms are being moved which definitely sparks some interest.
The author of "Hidden World of Chilli Peppers" uses a scenario with a problem that anyone could quite easily find themselves in creating a want to know more.
3. How does the author of Chilli Peppers show credibility?
He states that he enjoys spicy meals which led to his wanting to learn more which led to research. He later shares facts that he has learned.
7. List authorities cited or quoted in one of the speeches.
The author of "Hidden World of Chilli Peppers" uses information found from Cambridge University's "World of Food" and Dave Duitt's "Chili Pepper Encyclopedia."
Evaluation Comments
1. Choose one of the two speeches. Why do you think that this speech is an effective example of an informative speech?
I think that "Medical Robots: From Science Fiction to Science Fact" is an effective informative speech because it teaches the audience that robots are in effect. It taught me about medical robots and the kinds of things that they do.
2. How are these speeches "audience centered"?
The author of "Medical Robots" shows you how medical robots are being used and how they could help you. The author of "Chilli Peppers" shows how the things he has learned about chilli peppers and how they cab help you stop your mouth from burning after you have eaten one. Both speeches make you think about how these topics could be play into your own life.
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